Cristi Chivu (44 de ani) ar putea reveni în antrenorat, după cum au dezvăluit italienii, iar clubul la care ar putea ajunge este și singurul cu care a colaborat vreodată din această postură. E vorba […] The post Cristi Chivu e la un pas să semneze. Lista celor 4 nume pe care le vrea Inter pentru a fi noul antrenor al echipei appeared first on Prosport.
The text suggests that Cristi Chivu is close to being named the new manager of Inter Milan.
It also mentions a list of four potential candidates being considered by the team, along with an email address possibly for providing tips or insider information.
The text suggests that Cristi Chivu is close to being named the new manager of Inter Milan. It also mentions a list of four potential candidates being considered by the team, along with an email address possibly for providing tips or insider information.